reduce cracking and creasing when using undereye concealer

I don't know about you... but I tend to change my makeup based on a few things: current trends, my mood, my outfit and here recently, signs of aging . One of those "signs" being my lovely fine lines and wrinkles that are beginning to form. I never really had a problem with my concealer cracking or creasing under my eyes until the last few years. Although it is minor and may not even be noticeable to others, I notice it and it bothers me personally. So, over the last few years I have messed around with some techniques to help reduce the appearance of "lines" where the
product tends to build up. Lets look at some ways to help prevent this from happening, if you experience similar problems from undereye concealer.
I've tried all kinds of "methods" and ways of applying my concealer over the years. I've done vertical lines, horizontal lines, large 'C' shape swipes, triangles, dots, two dots and diagonal lines. My two current favorite ways to do my concealer are either two dots (one on the inner corner of the undereye and one on the outer corner of the undereye) or two diagonal lines. Lets look at some of the things you can do to help your concealer look more natural and not so cakey and heavy.

First and foremost, good makeup application begins with good skincare. If you want your makeup to look flawless, even and smooth, you have to take care of your skin. It's funny (but not really funny at all), before I found Vic Beauty skincare, I actually had some chemical burns under my eyes. It got really bad. My skin was dark, red, flaking, puffy, swollen, patchy, like... absolutely awful. I switched to our clinical grade skincare and everything changed. My skin started healing, getting brighter, more hydrated, everything you could want in a great skincare regimen... If you're looking for some help with your skincare I would love to provide you with some recommendations. Feel free to reach out to me any time and we can have a virtual consultation to talk about your skincare goals, what you are currently doing/using, and your budget. If you want to try the eye cream, specifically, that helped my under eyes tremendously, click the button below.

When you apply your foundation, imagine a small "U" or upturned "c" shape under your eyes.
Try to avoid applying foundation to this area and instead leave it "blank" for where you will apply your concealer (see where I am pointing with my fingertips in the picture above).
If you have a good full coverage concealer, you won't have to worry about layering up foundation and concealer. When you apply too much product, or too many products, it can lead to increased cracking and creasing. It takes very little product to cover those areas and when you put too much product, it becomes difficult to blend (especially if you are fighting fine lines and wrinkles). Setting yourself up for minimal makeup application under the eyes is a huge factor in reducing this common problem, especially for aging skin. If you want to try a hydrating, full coverage concealer, click the link below:

Apply your concealer away from your eyes, whether you choose to do two small dots, two diagonal lines, or something else... leave room for blending! You are going to be working the product up toward your eye, rather than down toward your cheek. This made a huge difference in how I viewed concealer. I used to put it very close to my lashes because that is where I thought it had to go. But if you apply it lower you can get more of that brightening effect under the eyes where the light is actually going to "hit" your face. Plus you can gradually blend the product up, adding more if you need/want to, and not end up with too much product laying on the area it is most likely to crease and create lines. Play around and see what works best for your skin.

Once you are satisfied with the way your under eyes look, get ready to set the look. Before I set it, I like to take my ring finger and gently pat the areas that I know crease badly. I make sure that any excess product is gently pressed in and blotted off naturally by me using my finger. Once I don't see any lines, I set it with either a setting spray and a damp beauty blender
or a dry beauty blender and loose setting powder.
If you have dry skin, I would recommend using just the setting spray with a damp beauty blender. Mist a very small amount of the spray onto the tip of the sponge and gently press into the skin. This will keep the skin hydrated but will also seal in the product to prevent cracking and creasing.

You can also set the concealer with a setting powder. Use a dry beauty blender or a makeup brush to gently tap some product onto the area, brushing any excess product away. If you have dry skin you will want to use the powder sparingly so that it does not accentuate any dry patches. You can also do the setting spray and then the setting powder on top to really help keep everything in place. I go back and forth between one or the other, and sometimes both. It just depends on your preference, your skin type and even your environment. If you live in a dry place, you would want to primarily use the spray to keep the area hydrated, if you live in a humid place, a powder may be best to prevent excess moisture and the possibility of product building up and creating those unwanted cracks and creases. Want to try a loose translucent setting powder? Click the button below to shop the three shade options:
Need help with using a beauty blender? Click the button below to learn
some tips and techniques with using this beauty tool:
I hope these tips, tricks and techniques are helpful for you! Give them a try and play around to see what works best for you. Sometimes it takes a few tries to see your desired results. Don't give up! It could be a variety of factors that lead to cracking and creasing. Do a mental check to see if you need to ramp up your skincare, use less product, use different products, try different makeup tools, different setting products, etc. You can always reach out to me and I will do my best to consult with you to try to find you the best solution!
Don't forget, there is free shipping on every order of $75! Feel free to reach out any time if you need help with product questions, suggestions or recommendations.😊
Check out this quick video below to see these concealer "do's" and "don'ts" in action!
Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more beauty related videos.
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